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Transfer Pricing Dokumentasi

Kerangka Transfer Pricing Documentation biasanya mencakup hal-hal sbb :

I. OECD Transfer Pricing Requirements

A. Purpose of the Report 
B. Business Description
1. General Corporate Background 
2. General Business Activity
C. Financial Results
1. Related Party Transactions
D. Functional Analysis
E. Transfer Pricing Analysis Under the OECD Guidelines 
1. Background
2. Transfer Pricing Method Selection
3. Review of Other Transfer Pricing Methods
F. Economic Analysis 
G. Conclusion 
II. Local Country Transfer Pricing Requirements
A. Local Country Transfer Pricing Legislation 
1. Transfer Pricing Law and Administrative Guidelines
2. Documentation Requirements 
3. Transfer Pricing Penalties
4. Analysis and Conclusions
Annex 1 The Company’s Annual Report/Public Security Market Disclosure Reports   
Annex 2  Legal Organizational Structure of the Company 
Annex 3 The Company’s Financial Information by Business Segment and Country for the Year Ended December                31, 20XX  
Annex 4 The Company’s Related Party Transactions for the Year Ended December 31, 20XX  
Annex 5 The Company’s Risk and Function Summary Chart  
Annex 6 The Company’s Risk and Function Description  
Annex 7 The Company’s Transfer Pricing Analysis Report  
Annex 8 Local Country Financial Statement Information for the Year Ended December 31, 20XX  
Annex 9 Local Country Audited Financial Statements for the Year Ended December 31, 20XX