Experience in the field of tax audits, tax training, and transfer pricing cases in Indonesia, tax reviewer and observer of Indonesia transfer pricing, experience in making of master file and local file transfer pricing documentation based on Indonesia Tax Rules and OECD Guideline.
During working at LTO 1 (Large Taxpayer Office 1 - KPP WP Besar Satu), involved in Transfer Pricing Task Force at Large Tax Regional Office (Kanwil Wajib Pajak Besar) and Lead Team for Special Cases Transfer Pricing on Tax Audit at LTO1. And also involved in making, editing and contributes some books or modules for tax audit purposes, such as Oil and Gas Company, Palm Oil Industry, and Sugar Mill Industry.
Got diploma degree in accounting from State College of Accountancy (STAN) and from the same institution he completed diploma IV (equal to bachelor degree) of accounting. Then, graduated Master Degree in Financial Management from UPN Veteran Jakarta.
Passed Tax Consultant Certification Test (USKP) from Indonesia Tax Consultant Association (IKPI), holder certificates such as OECD Transfer Pricing at Multilateral Tax Network Ankara Turkey, State Registered Accountant (Ak) No. D-26487, Chartered Accountant Indonesia (CA) No. 11.D26487 from Indonesia Professional Accountant and Registered Tax Court Attorney No. KH-00097.